Tuesday, May 17, 2011

How to beautify the outdoors on a budget

I am a big fan of flowers and trying to make the outside of my house look nice, but that can really get expensive.  I do have a few tips for making things look nice and not spending a ton of money.
1. Plant perennials, they come back every year and many of them will multiply.
2. thin out the ones that multiply and fill in where you want more.
3. Talk to friends often times they are willing to thin out their perennials, so you get them for free (or by exchanging some of your own)
4 Buy your perennials in the fall when they go on sale and plant them then, they will be up by the next spring and you will save a bundle.
   One thing we are doing this ear is we are putting lattice work up to keep animals out from under out deck, we bought everything last fall when all that kind of stuff was on sale, we unfortunately didn't get it up so we have to do it now, then we will watch sales for the kinds of shrubbery that we want. 
I personally enjoy doing landscaping and my so does my husband so now it's just matter of making it all work within my budget.

Happy Plantings!