Tuesday, May 17, 2011

How to beautify the outdoors on a budget

I am a big fan of flowers and trying to make the outside of my house look nice, but that can really get expensive.  I do have a few tips for making things look nice and not spending a ton of money.
1. Plant perennials, they come back every year and many of them will multiply.
2. thin out the ones that multiply and fill in where you want more.
3. Talk to friends often times they are willing to thin out their perennials, so you get them for free (or by exchanging some of your own)
4 Buy your perennials in the fall when they go on sale and plant them then, they will be up by the next spring and you will save a bundle.
   One thing we are doing this ear is we are putting lattice work up to keep animals out from under out deck, we bought everything last fall when all that kind of stuff was on sale, we unfortunately didn't get it up so we have to do it now, then we will watch sales for the kinds of shrubbery that we want. 
I personally enjoy doing landscaping and my so does my husband so now it's just matter of making it all work within my budget.

Happy Plantings!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Party Party Party

I know that many frugal people think that just purchasing the cheapest thing is the way to go, I don't think this true at all.  I do also know that buying the more expensive items the first time can be a strain on the budget but I have found my way around it, at least for certain items.  Mostly Home party items

Example #1 Tupperware.  Yes I bye the less expensive stuff to take on picnics and for my hubby to take to work but Tupperware some unique items as well.  OK this where you say Tupperware is expensive and I can bye 2 things of the cheap stuff for the price of 1 Tupperware.  True! But Tupperware is 100% guaranteed for life so you will never have to buy it again. Also if they no longer make that item they will give you the next closest thing...which tends to be newer and better.

Example #2 is Mary Kay  I find that their products are superior to cover girl and last longer.  Yes more expensive, but if you order something and you are not happy you can return it, not something Walmart will let you do.  I returned some mascara just last fall and they sent me a new one.

OK so in the long run there are savings, but how do find the money to buy the more expensive stuff?  Easy Have a Party!  Hostesses get great bargains.  Often free items, major discounts, and future coupons. I got $75 worth of Mary Kay last year for $15.  And No hosting the Party didn't eat the difference.  I had it on Saturday afternoon, made a few small snacks and some fruit punch.  It cost me maybe $10. And it gives a stay at home Mom a chance to have some adult time.  This works for Tupperware, Mischa Bags, anything that is sold at Home parties.

I do have one bit of advice and that is to NOT overdue it.  Please don't become the person that has a party every weekend, your friends will stop coming. I have 1 Mary Kay party a year, this year I will have a Tupperware party, and possible a Wildtree party.  Just 2 or 3 is enough, you don't want your friends to feel like they HAVE to spend money either.

I hope that everyone takes advantage of this little tip and has a party it's fun!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Easy Chicken Nuggets

It has been a while since I posted a recipe so here it goes.
 Braxton and I made Chicken nuggets today by hand. Even though he had eaten already so we froze them for a later date.

 4 pieces of whole wheat bread that I dried on the counter overnight
 1 chicken breast (about 3/4 lb)
 2 TBLS of Italian seasoning
 2 TBLS of Kraft grated Parmesan cheese

. I started with 1 chicken breast because I was experimenting, Next time i will do a few more. which will call for upping all of the ingredients of coarse

I took the 4 pieces of bread ran them through the food processor to turn them into fine crumbs, I added the Italian seasoning and Parmesan cheese an mixed it all together.

Cut the chicken into whatever size pieces you choose and soak in milk for 5 min I put the bread crumbs in a bag then added the chicken so Braxton could shake it up. Baked at 400* for about 15 min. Let them cool for about 15min then stuck the whole pan in the freezer. Once they are frozen I will put them in a bag.
I ended up with probably 20 chicken nuggets in a bite size pieces.
I can't wait to see how they turn out when I reheat them for a meal. 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I know it's been a while

I really haven't forgotten about my Blogs I just have been crazy busy with the holidays, and all the colds that have been running through this house. I decided today would be a great day to talk about freebies and deal sites again.  I know I did this not all that long ago but some new ones have brought to may attention lately.  I also have a few tips too. First of all when you sign up for freebies most sites require a valid E-mail, these will often generate multiple e-mails by multiple companies so I advise that you create a separate E-mail account through Yahoo or Hotmail just to use for these types of e-mails.  I scan mine about once a week and delete them. I also advise that share these things with your friends.  I have a great friend who has 3 little ones and is always looking for a bargain so her and I share blogs and sites with each other all the time.  Friends are THE BEST!
Here is one of favorite new sites to watch. I subscribe to her FB page http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fcouponlovinmom.com%2F&h=9a934 I have also started to follow livefabuLESS.com both help you pair coupons to sales and post freebies to their sites.  you can also find LiveFabuless on Facebook. If you don't have Facebook or don't want them filling up your Facebook page then just subscribe to them to be sent to your E-Mail. 
And while I am here I will share my Deal of the Week.  My local Piggly Wiggly store had Colgate toothpaste on sale for $0.99 I paired it with a $0.75 coupon and got a tube of toothpaste for $0.24 WOOT!!

OK all happy Blogging and I hope to be back more often now that the holidays are over.