Monday, June 7, 2010

Garden growing

I went to my parents house this morning to get some dirt so I could get  my squash and pumpkins planted and I checked on the garden and it looks GREAT.

For anyone that knows me the know I love to garden, I plant more food than I ever know what to do with but it's OK.  I plant vegetables galore..I have 51 tomato plants this year and hopefully they will stave off the blight and produce well.  I absolutely love making my own salsa and sauces..everything from pizza to pasta. I might even try Ketchup this year.  Today I put in zucchini, pumpkins, butternut, and 2 kinds of winter squash along with musk melon.  I am so excited to grow them at my house this year.

Just for fun  I planted one tomato plant and 2 green bean plants (my son started them in the house) in an old fashion wash tub in front of my house.

I think my next project is going to be a homemade compost bin. Simple enough to make I just need to decide where to put it.

It is a lot of work to grow a huge garden, but the money I save in the long run, and the health benefits make it worth it to me.

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