Wednesday, November 3, 2010


For all my food lovers out there this is by far the easiest and healthiest thing that I do. 

I Live in Apple country, we have a town about 15 miles from me that is the Apple capitol of WI, and has about 12 orchards in a 5 mile stretch of road, not to mention all the small ones around the town too.

Well I have always been a big fan of applesauce so when Braxton was around 6 months old I decided to go to the Orchards, get a bushel of apple and make applesauce.  This was the first time I had EVER attempted anything like this in my life so I wasn't sure what was going to happen.  I did have to do some research first and figure a few things out.
1. What kind of apples work best?
2. Do I want to add sweeteners
3. What is the Fastest method?

To answer the first one I asked the people that work at the orchards since they know their apples and they recommended Cortland.
To answer the second one I looked inside myself and decided NO there is enough natural sugar in apples
To answer the third one I went to my faithful old Ball Blue Book for Canning and looked at a couple of recipes.

Let me just add here that I own a tomato juicer that is also designed for taking peels and seeds out of apples too.  If you don't own one of these you will have to core and peel apples by hand or spend $20 to buy one.  I say buy one if you are making a large amount of sauce.

OK so here is what has to be done.  I slice the apples into quarters and put them in a couple of large pots with a cup or so of water and let them cook for a while. Make sure you stir them so they don't burn to the bottom of the pan.  Once all of the apples seems soft you can scoop them into the juicer/peeler and the applesauce comes out one side and the skins and seeds the other.  After all the apples have gone through this process the sauce needs to be cooked for another 10/ 15 min stirring very often to avoid burning.  If you want to add Cinnamon do it while it is still cooking.

Once they have cooked all that is left to do is put it in jars and process in a hot water bath for 20 min. 
Just Note that once you make your own you will NEVER go back to store bought again.

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