Saturday, November 13, 2010

Deal of the week

I usually get really excited when I can pair coupons with great deals so I get things for free or close to it. Well my deal of the week, maybe even month wasn't free but it was a GREAT DEAL!  I was at Sam's club (which I really wish would take coupons) and I found the little area where they put the damaged items. Normally there isn't too much there as they don't really get returns, or it's damaged food bags which I tend to stay away from.  Well, yesterday was an exception to this, I found a 301oz box of Tide for $14.02!  Why so cheap you ask?  Because where the handle attaches to the Box was ripped and had to be taped!  I think I was more excited about this than I was about the free samples of Cheesecake!

OK I just had to share this to remind people, to check out clearances aisles, and damaged areas, you might be surprised by what you find!

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